Total Transformation!
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The obsession with wood bleaching continues! I found out how awesome wood bleaching can be with our previous table transformation. Since that table came out so well, I decided to continue with this trend and bleached the top and support poles for another table I picked up from FBM.

YouTube Video
I won’t write very much because I spent a lot of time recording AND captioning my process in our latest YT video! You’ll definitely want to watch it to see the sanding, bleaching, and painting process!
This video has two new lessons:
1. Trying out a new process of hand painting to get a super smooth finish that looks like it was air sprayed!
2. And speaking of air spraying, I conquered my fear (and hatred) of air spraying, and sprayed my top coat. It came out click below to watch the video!

Get the Look
We have an Amazon store where you can shop the look! We are continuously adding to our list of ecofriendly home and paint products.
I hope you enjoy the process and final result! Drop me a message and let me know what you think!